Di pesisir sebuah pantai, tampak dua anak sedang berlari-larian, bercanda, dan bermain dengan riang gembira. Tiba-tiba, terdengar pertengkaran sengit di antara mereka. Salah seorang anak yang bertubuh lebih besar memukul temannya sehingga wajahnya menjadi biru lebam. Anak yang dipukul seketika diam terpaku. Lalu, dengan mata berkaca-kaca dan raut muka marah menahan sakit, tanpa berbicara sepatah kata pun, dia menulis dengan sebatang tongkat di atas pasir: "Hari ini temanku telah memukul aku !!!"
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Enjoy Our Life
Tidak ada manusia yang sempurna. Entah bagaimanapun caranya, setiap manusia pasti memiliki kesalahan. Tapi, kesalahan itu bukan jadi sebab untuk kita lebih terjerumus kedalamnya. Tapi, kesalahan itulah yang harus jadi penyebab untuk kita tidak melakukan kesalahan - kesalahan itu yang kedua kalinya dan tidak akan pernah mengulangi kesalahan itu lagi. Semuanya tidak ada yang terlambat. Dan apapun yang ada dihadapanmu, hadapilah itu semua dengan menjadi dirimu sendiri. BE YOURSELF :)
Hussein & The Elephant by Harun Yahya
Hussein's mother took him to the zoo one week-end. It was the first time he had seen so many different animals in one place. They went to the elephant house. A young elephant was tripping over his trunk and falling down, and the baby's mother came to his help every time he did so.
The mother elephant saw Hussein looking at them and explained:"You see, my baby is so young, he doesn't know how to use his trunk yet. He will not leave my side for 12 full years, and for the first six months I will teach him to use his trunk properly."
Hussein answered: "I have always wondered what do elephants use their trunks for? Do you breathe through them?"
The mother elephant told him: "It is our trunks that make us different from all other animals. Our nostrils are at the end of our trunks, and we use them to carry food and water to our mouths, pick things up and to smell things with; we can hold up to 1 gallon (four liters) of water in them. And did you know, we can pick even up a tiny pea with them? We didn't acquire our trunks by chance. They are a gift from the mercy of Almighty Allah, Who created everything."
Sunday, May 29, 2011
I am not afraid of storms, for I'am learning to sail my ship. (LM Alcott)
The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trial ( Chinese Proverb)
The greater the difficulty the greater the glory. ( Cicero)
It is not until we have passsed through the furnance that we are made to know how much dross there is in our composition. ( CC Colton)
Adversity reveals genius; prosperity concelas it. ( Horace)
Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them. ( W Irving)
We become wiser by our adversity. (Seneca)
Tiang Dunia Ada 4 Perkara
Sebagaimana diterangkan dalam kitab “Targhibatul Abrar”:
“Tiang tegaknya dunia itu ada 4 perkara yaitu 1) ilmunya para ulama 2) Pemerintahan yang adil dan 3) Kedermawanan orang-orang kaya, dan 4) Doa orang-orang fakir."
Adakah Harapan?
sang surya menyusup celah bamboo
menghangati mimpiku
dari asa tak berujung
senyum mentari memperdayaku
bak pelangi tak berbingkai
di ujung negeri nan hijau
penuh buih asa biru
menghangati mimpiku
dari asa tak berujung
senyum mentari memperdayaku
bak pelangi tak berbingkai
di ujung negeri nan hijau
penuh buih asa biru
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