Saturday, July 30, 2011

Tips of Modesty

1. Al Hayaa, shamefulness when committing a crime
When Adam committed the crime, Allah asked “Are you escaping from me Oh Adam?”. He then answered “no my Lord, rather being ashamed in front of You”
2. Hayaa Taqseer, shamefulness of deficiency
Angels, who glorify Allah day and night and never disobey Him, still, upon Judgment Day, say “You, are far from imperfection and we did not truly carry out Your worship”
3. Hayaa Ijlaal, modesty regarding the magnificence of Allah
This is the level of knowledge a slave has of his Lord
4. Hayaa Karm, modesty being hospitable
When the prophet was called to the wedding part of Zainab, he was shy in telling them to leave
5. Hayaa Hishma, shyness regarding personal matters
Being shy when discussing sexual and intimate details with others.
6. Hayaa Istissghar lilnafs, modesty and humbling one’s soul
This is in regards to one feeling insignificant and minuscule. The prophet, salallahu alayi wa salam, would feel needy when asking His Lord for things.
They always believe the Lord is Great, and Greater than themselves
7. Hayaa Muhabbah, bashfulness of love
Bashfulnes appears on the person’s face whenever, in the absence of the beloved, he thinks of the intensity of the love he feels for that significant other. It’s regarding the remembrance of the beloved person.
8. Hayaa Uboodeeyah, shyness in worship
The person cowers while worshiping the One Creator(Allah) and feels that their worship is not proper or good enough because the worth of the Creator is more significant and magnificent than their worship.
9. Hayaa Sharaf wa Izzah, being ashamed of nobility
Embarrassment emanates from the person because their capability does not match the worth of their deeds. They are aware that they are capable of doing more.


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