Saturday, October 22, 2011




I’m sorry. I’m sorry I don’t have the most perfect skin.I’m sorry I don’t look like a Victoria Secrets modelI’m sorry I don’t have the best style.I’m sorry I’m not tall.I’m sorry I’m not perfectly skinny- 5’7 nor 100 pounds.I’m sorry I have stretch marks here and there. I’m sorry I have bad hijab days. I’m sorry that I’m plain.I’m sorry my eyebrows aren’t thin and perfectly trimmed.I’m sorry my face isn’t caked in make-up.I’m sorry that I can never meet society’s standards.But you know what? I don’t need to care about society’s criteria. I don’t need people to tell me I’m beautiful.I don’t  need compliments to make me feel better. I don’t need a superficial love that can’t withstand a stretch mark here or chub there.I don’t need to keep sinking into a never ending pit of low self-esteem.Because I looked to Allah, and He told me the perfect recipe to be Beautiful.Not just temporarily, but forever. “And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth easily, and when the ignorant address them [harshly], they say [words of] peace,…” [25:63]“And [they are] those who, when they spend, do so not excessively or sparingly but are ever, between that, [justly] moderate {25:67]“And he who repents and does righteousness does indeed turn to Allah with [accepted] repentance. And [they are] those who do not testify to falsehood, and when they pass near ill speech, they pass by with dignity. And those who, when reminded of the verses of their Lord, do not fall upon them deaf and blind. And those who say, “Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.” Those will be awarded the Chamber for what they patiently endured, and they will be received therein with greetings and [words of] peace.” [25:71-75]Ya Allah, when the world criticizes me a million times overYa Allah, when the world keeps telling me hurtful thingsYa Allah, when the world keeps pushing “ugly” at me.Give me the courage to hold firm to your Deen. Ya Allah, as long as I am beautiful to you, nothing else matters. Ya Allah, even when everyone leaves my side, let me take comfort in the fact thatYou are closer to me than my jugular vein [50:16]

I’m sorry.
I’m sorry I don’t have the most perfect skin.
I’m sorry I don’t look like a Victoria Secrets model
I’m sorry I don’t have the best style.

:') C'mon! Be Thankful to Allah


Friday, October 21, 2011

Uyeah (:

Belief in the Messengers and Prophets

The Arabic word “Rusul” is the plural of “Rasool” which means a messenger sent to convey a message. In religious Islamic terminology a Rasool is the man who receives a divine code of law and is commanded by Allah to proclaim and convey it to the people.

The first of the Messengers was Nooh (Noah) and the last one was Muhammad may Allah praise them and keep them all safe from all evil.

Allah the Most Exalted said:
Verily We have inspired you (O Muhammad) as We inspired Nooh and the Prophets after him. [Surah an-Nisaa’ (4):163].

Haji dan Umrah

1. Barangsiapa melaksanakan haji di rumah ini tidak rafats dan tidak berbuat fasik maka dia kembali seperti pada hari dilahirkan ibunya. {HR. Bukhari}

 Penjelasan: Rafats artinya mengeluarkan kata-kata yg menimbulkan birahi yg tidak senonoh.

2. Antara umroh yg pertama dgn umroh kedua penghapusan dosa-dosa {yang dilakukan antara keduanya} dan haji mabrur tiada pahala kecuali surga.

Pembicaraan dan Ucapan

1. Barangsiapa beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhir hendaklah berbicara yang baik-baik atau diam.
2. Siapa yang memberi jaminan kepadaku untuk memelihara di antara rahangnya dan di antara kedua pahanya niscaya aku menjamin baginya surga.

3. Barangsiapa akhir ucapannya Laa ilaaha illallah ‘Tiada Tuhan selain Allah’ niscaya dia masuk surga.

4. Sesungguhnya di antara ungkapan kata dan keterangan adalah sihir. {HR. Bukhari}

Anak Yatim

1. Aku dan pengasuh  anak yatim  di surga seperti dua jari ini.
Penjelasan: {Rasulullah Saw. menunjuk jari telunjuk dan jari tengah dan merapatkan keduanya}.

2. Sebaik-baik rumah kaum muslimin ialah rumah yang terdapat di dalamnya  anak yatim  yang diperlakukan dengan baik dan seburuk-buruk rumah kaum muslimin ialah rumah yang di dalamnya terdapat  anak yatim  tapi anak itu
diperlakukan dengan buruk.

Sabda Nabi Saw tentang Kuburan

1. Tiada aku melihat sesuatu kecuali kuburan lbh buruk daripadanya. {HR. Tirmidzi dan Ibnu Majah}
2. Jangan kamu shalat menghadap kuburan dan jangan shalat di atas kuburan.
3. Rasulullah Saw melarang mengapur kuburan duduk-duduk di atas kuburan dan membina kuburan tapi berupa unggukan tanah saja setinggi satu jengkal.
4. Allah melaknat orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani krn menjadikan kuburan nabi-nabi mereka sebagai tempat beribadah.

Sumber: 1100 Hadits Terpilih - Dr. Muhammad Faiz Almath - Gema Insani Press

sumber : file chm hadistweb

The Islamic Religion (Deen)

The Islamic religion is the religion with which Allah sent the Prophet Muhammad sealing thereby the religions perfecting it for His servants completing upon them His bounty and chose it for them as a faith. No other faith or religion other than it will ever be accepted.

 Allah has said “Muhammad is not the father of any man among you but he is the Messenger of Allah and the last of the Prophets. And Allah is Ever All-Aware of everything” (al-Ahzaab 33:40).

 Allah has also said
 “This day I have perfected your religion for you completed My Favor upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” (Surah al-Maaidah (5):3)
 The Exalted has also said “Truly the religion with Allah is Islam.” (Surah Aali-Imraan (3):19).

The Fundamentals of Islamic Creed

Pillars of Īman (Creed and Belief)
 The religion of Islam as explained above is comprised of Aqeedah (creed faith and belief) and Sharee’ah (revealed laws). We have mentioned some pillars of the Sharee’ah above. The pillars and fundamentals of Aqeedah are to believe in:

His Angels
His Books
His Messengers
the Last Day and  Qadar (Divine Will) both its good and evil consequences.

Sakit Hati: Tanda dan Penyembuhannya

“Sakit Hati: Tanda dan Penyembuhannya” ketegori Muslim. Tanda-Tanda Sakit Hati Dan Mengembalikannya Agar Sehat Kembali Serta Cara Mengetahui Orang Lain Dan Aib Dirinya

Ibnu Qudamah

Halaman satu dari dua tulisan

 Ibnu Qudamah pengarang kitab fikih Al-Mughni telah meringkas kitab Minhajul Qoshidin karya Abul Faraj bin Jauzi . Kitab ini penuh berisi nasehat yang disajikan berdasarkan kepada dalil-dalil syar’i dengan memperhatikan keshahihan hadits, seperti diterangkan dalam muqodimahnya. Boleh jadi mushanif tidak mencantumkan, Allah berfirman… atau Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wassalam bersabda…, akan tetapi tamsil dan untaian kalimatnya yang penuh hikmah merupakan pengejawantahan dari qur’an dan sunnah itu sendiri. Jadi kalau kita cari bisa kita dapatkan sederet dalil yang mendukung hujjah nya. Di sisi lain kitab ini sampai pada kita lewat tangan dua ulama salaf ahlus sunnah yang diakui keilmuannya, hingga cukuplah kiranya untuk memberi kita kemantapan dalam menerima nasehatnya. Saya sampaikan ini karena saya dengar ada di antara kita yang ragu-ragu dalam mengambil hikmah dari kitab ini. Berikut ini adalah sekelumit nasehat yang saya ambil dari kitab tersebut. Boleh jadi ia menjadi obat mujarab bagi yang membutuhkan kendati saya sendiri tak kuasa menelannya. Agar tidak terlalu panjang saya potong jadi dua.

The Pillars of Islam

Islam is established on five pillars as mentioned in the hadeeth narrated by (Abdullah) Ibn Umar in which the Prophet said:
Islam is built on five [pillars]: To single out Allah in worship (and in other narration: “The testimony that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is the slave of Allah and His Messenger”) and to establish the prayers and to offer the Zakaah and to fast Ramadan and to perform the pilgrimage.

 A person said (to the narrator)
 “Pilgrimage or the fast of Ramadan?”

Belief In Allah (:

Belief in Allah comprises four aspects:
The First Aspect: The belief in Allah’s existence. This is established by:
Al-Fitrah (the natural pure inclination towards the truth)
Al-Aql (reason and analysis)
Ash-Sharee’ah (revelation and scripture)
Al-Hiss (physical senses).

The proof of al-Fitrah concerning Allah’s existence is that every created being innately believes in his or her Creator without any preceding instruction dogma or thought. No one deviates from this natural and innate belief except due to external corrupt influences which make his or her heart swerve and depart from belief as the Prophet said:
Each child is born in a state of Fitrah but his parents make him into a Jew or Christian or Magian (Zoroastrian). (Reported by al-Bukhari)

Belief In The Last Day and Resurrection

The Last Day is that enormous event when everyone will be resurrected from death to the accounting and reckoning to be asked about their deeds: to receive either reward for their good deeds or punishment for their evil deeds. It is called “the Last Day” because it is the final day and the end of earthly time. This is the day when the people of Paradise will go to their appointed places in Paradise and those of Hell to the Hellfire.

Belief in the Last Day and Resurrection comprises three aspects:

To believe in the resurrection after death. Resurrection will take place when the Trumpet will be blown [by Israafeel] for the second time [the first being for the death of all living creatures]. Humankind will awaken to face the Lord of the Worlds. They all will stand bare-footed completely naked and uncircumcised before their Lord as Allah the Most Exalted said:
 As We began the first creation so shall We repeat it (it is) a promise binding upon Us. Truly We shall do it. [Surah al-Anbiyaa’ (21):104].

Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Kebodohan

1. Tuntutlah ilmu sesungguhnya menuntut ilmu adl pendekatan diri kepada Allah Azza wajalla dan mengajarkannya kepada orang yg tidak mengetahuinya adl sodaqoh.